die Macht des Bildes / the power of the image
My name is Karl Fluch and I am based in Upper-Austria and I have vacation houses in the Philippines on Cebu, my major destination for shootings (for pics please scroll down). I shoot with available light as with studio strobes depending on the theme.

A camera didn't make a great picture any more than a typewriter wrote a great novel. - Peter Adams

My main house, with an orchid garden and an outdoor studio and guest rooms

My second location, mainly to stay overnight. It has an outdoor bathroom (meaning walls without roof) and a garden in a very early stage. It's located 15 min by motorbike from my main house on a hill.

This is after Odette, the storm which killed many trees and virtually all neighbor houses. My houses were strong enough to withstand the desaster.

View to the northern part of the lot from the main house in Jampang - the area is planned to be a syntropic garden

Jampang lot from above 2023

view in Jampang over the house to Argao and Bohol island

Simplicity inside and outside

outdoor shower and bath

View from terrace is the same as from the bed - over to the sea and to Bohol Island / Tagbilaran

my first goat

View at night from the Veranda, right on the milkyway and the lights from Bohol